Skip the Registration Line - Get your Fast Pass!
What is a Fast Pass?
Our fast pass is a new program designed to get you food quicker. You can skip the registration line and go straight towards distribution from 9:30 am t0 10:00 am for up to 4 weeks.
How long is a Fast Pass good for?
Each Fast Pass is good for 4 weeks, beginning the week you got it.
How much does it cost?
We ask for a $10 donation for those who live in Montebello and $20 donation for other surrounding cities.
How do I obtain a Fast Pass?
You can obtain a Fast Pass during our regular Registration hours from 8 am - 9 am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays on Mines Ave. Just ask our volunteers.
I don't come every week. How can a Fast Pass help me?
If you have a Fast Pass from a previous month that isn't used up, we'll honor it.
I have another question. Who do I contact?
Give us a call at (323) 727-7997. We're always happy to help.